4Sight 2030目标

我们承诺减少能源消耗, 水, 碳, and waste across all of our production facilities, 在世界范围内.

Simplot的4Sight 2030目标

在Simplot, 我们是这片土地真正的管家, 空中和海上, 驱动提供更充足, 用更少的资源吃更健康的食物. Since we have all components of the agricultural value chain, we can tackle agricultural sustainability issues like nobody else, and that’s the approach we’re taking with our new sustainability goals.





Reduce fresh水 intake 15% per ton of product


Reduce 碳 emissions by 20% per ton of product



Zero waste to landfill in our food processing 植物s

Improving Operational Efficiencies-Today, and in the Future

J.R. Simplot公司 has specific and measurable sustainability goals. 的se operational goals are aimed at major reductions in energy, 水, 到2030年碳和废物排放. Having a dedicated plan enables us to more accurately map our future and track our progress, both globally and within every country in which we operate.



我们的 goal: We reduced energy use over 20% per ton of product during the past 10 years, and we intend to reduce energy use an additional 15% per ton of product by 2030.

Power 我们的 箴duction Sites with Renewable 能源

Simplot的科学家和工程师正在使用厌氧消化器将废物转化为可用于减少废物和能源消耗的气体. Anaerobic digestion uses bacteria to consume waste product and create methane, a core component of natural gas and other fuels.



Simplot在塔斯马尼亚的Ulverstone站点, 澳大利亚在2018年安装了一个500千瓦的热交换器,可以从制冷系统中回收热量,并用它来预热锅炉给水. This system makes use of recovered heat that previously would have been vented to the atmosphere, 但现在为我们节省了大约16,每年生产10亿焦耳的天然气.

Similar principles are applied at our fertilizer manufacturing sites, as we reduce energy consumption through heat recovery. 的 heat generated by chemical reactions at our facilities is captured and used as an energy source.

Achieve and Sustain ENERGY STAR Excellence in 食物 箴cessing and 制造业

Simplot是能源之星工业合作伙伴. 美国所有的简易食品加工厂.S. and 加拿大 have earned ENERGY STAR Certification, 该奖项每年颁发给在同行业同类设施中能效排名前25%的设施. 我们的 Portage La Prairie facility in 加拿大 has met the energy criteria for 10 consecutive years, officially earning ENERGY STAR recognition in 2019 when the program extended into 加拿大.

In 2019, Simplot在加州的Helm工厂成为首批获得“能源之星”认证的氮肥工厂之一. This pioneering accomplishment was repeated in 2020, when the Helm 植物 was certified for a second consecutive year.


我们的 goal: Reduce fresh水 intake 15% per ton of product.

Address Historic Impacts with Advanced 水 Treatment

在20世纪80年代和90年代,烟雾峡谷矿山通过历史开采建造的覆盖层处置区(ODAs)渗透的降水将硒动员到地下水中. Hoopes泉和South Fork Sage Creek泉的地下水排放为下游河流提供了硒. Simplot建立了一个中试水处理厂(WTP),利用物理和生物技术处理受影响的泉水. This unique and innovative treatment process uses two technologies. ultra-filtration (UF)/reverse osmosis(RO) membranes concentrate the selenium from the 水; then a fluidized bed bioreactor (FBR) use specialized bacteria to reduce and precipitate selenium from 水. 然后将硒作为固体除去. Simplot’s 水 treatment 植物 began operating at a 1,700 to 2,2017年12月,每分钟1000加仑. 处理设施从一部分泉水中去除大约80-90%的硒.


Reclaim and Recycle 水 for a 50% Conservation Rate

Simplot最先进的, LEED Gold Certified potato processing 植物 in Caldwell, 爱达荷州, saves energy and 水 while increasing production. 在众多创新中, 该工厂采用反渗透水过滤系统,每天可以过滤和回收多达100万加仑的水. 这减少了近50%的淡水使用量, saving about 30 million gallons of 水 per month, 剩下的大部分, nutrient-rich 水 applied to surrounding crops.



Adopt Next-Generation Technology for Freezer Storage

Simplot recently invested in a new high-bay freezer for improved energy efficiency at our Caldwell, 爱达荷州, 植物. 建筑设计最大限度地减少了能量损失,并允许使用更小的制冷系统,使用更少的能源,但仍然保持冷冻室在-5°F. 的 freezer also enabled Simplot to consolidate a variety of storage locations on site, helping reduce our transportation footprint and greenhouse gas emissions from trucking. 的 project also included efficient lighting, heat pumps and reflective roof coating. 总的来说,这些改进将节省超过6.每年500万千瓦时的能源——足以为超过545个中等大小的家庭提供一年的电力. Two of our other potato production facilities employ similar new high-bay freezers.

Put Sustainable Fuels to Work for Potato 箴cessing

Simplot has several projects in the works that use sustainable fuels. 例如, 十大正规博彩网站排名的摩西湖工厂拥有最先进的锅炉,可以燃烧三种不同的燃料:天然气, 氢气和沼气. Hydrogen burns clean and has zero 碳 emissions from combustion. Simplot also has several operations across the country that capture biogas from anaerobic digesters. 沼气是一种可再生资源,由马铃薯废物厌氧消化产生,可以用作可持续燃料, allowing Simplot to eliminate waste and reduce energy consumption. 通过燃烧沼气和氢气, 与只燃烧天然气相比,该基地减少了碳足迹和自然资源消耗.



我们的 goal: Zero waste to landfill for our food processing 植物s, 在世界范围内.


After a successful six-month composting pilot program, Simplot constructed a new advanced composting facility in Portage La Prairie, 加拿大. 的 植物 was designed to compost a variety of processing waste including wet waste, 剔除土豆和土壤残渣. 截至2020年, 这家工厂已经堆肥了,384吨废物, and is able to compost materials that would otherwise have been sent to landfills. 它的闭环设计允许该设施通过在保温池中捕获任何富含营养的渗滤液径流来限制其进入环境,并减少温室气体排放. 径流被重新纳入堆肥过程,以保持堆肥窗口内的最佳湿度水平.


Simplot remains active in finding new solutions for reducing waste. 这包括从土豆中去除营养丰富的食物固体,并将其重新用于食品配料或牛饲料. 我们还重新利用了另一种废物, 活性有机固体残, to enrich livestock feed and as a soil amendment. 的se biosolids management practices divert over 15,000 tons of waste from landfills each year. 除了, Simplot developed a new variety of potato for the fresh market that helps reduce food waste. 的 先天®土豆 更不容易出现瘀伤和斑点, 因此,农民可以将更多的作物带到市场和餐桌上,同时减少因损坏或不完美而造成的浪费.




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